Connecting Church Guests 1

Written by on 28/11/2014 in Connecting First Time Guests

You need a well thought out Guest Centre

A guest centre that works puts your best foot forward as a church. An effective guest centre has a few essentials:

  1. First you need a clear why? Why does the church have a guest centre? Engage guests in conversation? Collect information from guests? Giving out more information on the church?
  2. It is good practice to have volunteers on hand to answer any questions guests may have. Many times a guest would hang around the guest area hoping someone would say hello. Observe, observe, observe.
  3. Guests have to know you have a guest centre (usually an attended and well laid out table in some churches) Too many churches have had a guest centre for so long, they take it for granted everyone knows its available.
  4. It needs to be accessible, a guest centre tucked in a corner somewhere is not very effective. Determine optimum location by studying your ‘traffic flow’
  5. Encourage a visit to the guest centre by providing incentives, for instance something in exchange for a filled out guest card


About the Author

About the Author: I am part of the John Maxwell team and a certified trainer, speaker and coach. I am also a fully accredited minister with the Baptist Union of Great Britain. In addition I am the Lead Pastor of Custom House Baptist Church and one of the District Ministers for London East. I also chair the London Baptist Associations's communications hub and I am part of the London Baptist Association's Strategic Mission Forum. I have a keen interest in all things leadership believing leadership is primary in building influential missional churches. I am married to a wonderful wife and I am blessed with two lovely daughters. .


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